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New Friday night Vespers
May 25, 2018
LLBN is airing a live Vespers program the last Friday of each month and the next one is May 25th. It will be a mostly musical Vespers with a short devotional. The Vespers begins at 6pm and goes till 7pm. We hope you enjoy the beautiful music that will be coming to LLBN. Visit http://www.llbn.tv/llbn-vespers for more details.
New Programs Now Airing!
April 02, 2018
We have new programs that have been airing since April 2nd! If you haven't already downloaded the new schedule, head over to our Schedules page! Lineage Journey is airing on LLBN His Word, Hot Health on Smart LifeStyle TV, and some LLBN classics-Hey Everybody, Pursued, and Signs of the Times have been airing on LLBN His Light. Visit our New Programs page at http://www.llbn.tv/new-programs for details and airing times on our new programs.

Israel and Jordan Trip
July 02, 2018
Join archeologists Dr. Larry Geraty from Excavating the Bible and Dr. Larry Herr on a two week tour of the Holy Lands! The trip begins July 2 and goes through July 15. On this trip you will be visiting many famous Biblical sites like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, Nazareth and much more! Visit www.berrienhistory.org or call 269-471-1202 for more details.