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LLBN provides limited, unpaid internship opportunities for students wanting to gain hands-on experience in areas related to television and non-profit organizations. During this internship, you will gain first-hand knowledge of how to practically exercise your skills in a real-world environment. 


Apply now!










Open and read the LLBN Code of Conduct. No need to print it, as it is acknowledged in the application!

Open and complete the application, choosing the fields of your interest. You can either print out the form or type directly all the information into the pdf fillable form created for your convenience. Sign in the designated space and when saving the document include your full name in the document title, then email it to


Please note that even if you applied for any LLBN internships through, you still have to fill in the LLBN own internship application provided on this page.


Some of the activities involve access to LLBN confidential information, therefore an agreement has to be signed prior to your involvement. Follow the same steps as for the application, including your full name in the title of the saved file.

For any questions, additional information, or any other communications in regard to LLBN internship email to or use the form below:

Name *

Email *



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