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A television channel dedicated to broadcasting divine messages and spiritual teachings, offering viewers direct access to God
A captivating image of the 'His Light' TV channel, illuminating souls with biblical teachings and divine enlightenment.
A Christian TV channel promoting healthy eating and spiritual wellness through nourishing food content.
An Arabic Christian TV channel broadcasting spiritual content and programs for the Christian community
A Chinese Christian TV channel broadcasting spiritual content and programs for the Christian community
A Korean Christian TV channel broadcasting spiritual content and programs for the Christian community
A Spanish Christian TV channel broadcasting spiritual content and programs for the Christian community

Additional ways you can continue your support to the ministry of LLBN


"There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want. The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.

Proverbs 11:24-25





The concept of a gift annuity is simple.  You donate assets that LLBN's gift annuity administrator reinvests.  You and the administrator agree on fixed payments to you for life (and, if desired, for another beneficiary's lifetime).  Then, the funds are available for LLBN to use. 


A charitable gift annuity is particularly attractive because the rates (based on your age) typically produce higher yields than you would receive in the stock and bond markets.  And when this aspect is combined with partially tax-free funds, the effective rate of return could be even higher.



    • Lifetime payments for yourself and possibly another person

    • Charitable deduction for a portion of the value of the gift

    • Part of the annual payments is considered a tax-free

      return of capital

    • Capital gains tax savings when you contribute

      appreciated securities


Contact us to obtain your specific gift annuity rate.

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These Rates Are Just One Reason Why The Charitable Gift Annuity Is A Win-Win Proposition



LLBN Planned Giving & Trust Services

Jay F. Hughes - Gifts & Trust Officer

P.O. Box 550

Loma Linda, CA 92354


Toll-free: (866) 552-6881


Or simply fill out the contact form below for information or questions about any type of planned giving:

*indicates required field

Charitable Gift Annuities


Email* *


Gift type*

Age *


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Boost Your Retirement Income and Help Spread The Gospel!!

The first day of January 2023 ushered in not just a new year but a slew of new retirement laws. Among them was one that could transform the way you give.

If you’re 70½ or older, you may now use your IRA to boost your retirement income and help spread the Gospel through LLBN.  How? By using your IRA to fund a charitable gift annuity—the gift that pays you back.

Thanks to the new law, you can fund a gift annuity with a one-time lifetime election of up to $50,000 from your IRA. Among the ways you benefit:

  • You avoid the tax hit that comes when you make a typical withdrawal from your IRA.

  • If you are required to take minimum distributions, you can satisfy all or part of that obligation for the year.

  • You (and your spouse, if you choose) receive income for life in the form of reliable payments.

  • The amount of those payments is fixed, regardless of the stock market, or inflation.

  • After your lifetime, the remaining balance becomes your legacy of support to LLBN.

If that wasn’t enough, consider this: Gift annuity payout rates are now higher than they have been in more than a decade.

How You Could Benefit: An Illustration

Martha, 75, has been giving through her IRA for several years. She wants to increase her giving but is also concerned about retirement income. She makes a one-time election and transfers $50,000 directly from her IRA in exchange for a charitable gift annuity. She receives annual payments of $3,300 for the rest of her life, reflecting a 6.6% rate, to help support her in her retirement years.

We’d Love to Hear From You

Now is the time to take advantage of this new way to fund a gift annuity while benefiting from high payout rates. Limitations apply to this new option, so contact LLBN’s Office of Gift Planning at (909) 651-5543 or send an email to to get a personalized illustration and discuss how we can help you take the next step.

Your State regulations apply to CGA’s

Create a CGA


This is quite possibly the most important document to have because it really can be a complete estate plan. It may be funded with homes, property, cash, stocks, or bonds — it gives such peace of mind knowing that upon the giver’s demise, their assets will be distributed to their loved ones, and to the Lord’s work, according to their wishes stipulated in this most important document. The Revocable Trust Agreement can be amended upon the request of the Trustor to meet changing needs and wishes. 


Contact LLBN today to get started. We can answer some of your questions and even refer you to an attorney who will guide you right through the process every step of the way. 


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Did you know that if you die without a Will the government decides what happens to your estate? That is why you need to make a Will or renew your Will right away and when you do please consider making LLBN a beneficiary. By giving a percentage of your estate, your gift creates a living legacy that will help send the gospel around the world on LLBN and its family of networks.



    • Lets you provide for your family after your death

    • Allows you to distribute your assets according to

      your wishes

    • Saves on estate taxes, with proper planning

    • Lets you leave a legacy to LLBN without giving up



Have you put off making or updating your will?  Maybe you think it costs too much to make a will.  Perhaps you're having a hard time deciding about how to leave your money.  Or you may simply have an aversion to confronting your mortality.


Drafting a will may seem like a daunting task at first, until you realize all the good that comes from having a will.


A Bequest Through Your Will for LLBN

A bequest in your will lets you pass any amount you wish to LLBN free of estate tax.  You can give cash or specific property, a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate, with or without restrictions.


To make sure your will accomplishes your goals according to your wishes, we recommend that you obtain the professional counsel of an attorney who specializes in probate and estate planning. 


Prepare for Your First Visit

LLBN's Trust Officer can prepare you for your first visit with your attorney. To get answers you may have about preparing your will and to obtain an application for a Will, contact us today.


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Revocable Trust Agreement



    • Income tax charitable deduction for the full fair​ market value

    • Avoidance of tax on the property's appreciated​ aspect

    • No hassle from trying to sell the property

    • No gift tax, plus a reduction of your taxable estate


Are you thinking of selling land or a building?  Beware of capital gains tax.


If you sell your primary residence, you can exclude up to $250,000 ($500,000 if you're married) of the gain.  But this tax break doesn't apply to other types of real estate, so you may have a better alternative.


A charitable contribution of real estate---whether it's your personal residence, a vacation home, a farm, commercial real estate, or vacant land---will give you numerous advantages.


When you give your home or other real estate to LLBN, you create an enduring testimonial of your interest in LLBN's mission.  And what's more, your personal satisfaction is complemented by valuable tax benefits. Contact us today for more information.


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Now is the time to start making a will!
Real Estate Sale / Donation


Let's assume you like the tax advantages that a charitable gift of real estate would offer, but you want to continue living in your personal residence for your lifetime.  Did you realize you can give LLBN your home, even though you continue living there?


It's true.  It's called a retained life estate.


A gift of your home, farm, vacation home, or condominium, even with stipulations about occupancy, results in a charitable deduction on your income tax.


The retained life estate may also provide you with a way to let someone other than you or your spouse (perhaps a sibling or child) have life occupancy of your home with reduced tax obligations.



    • Lifetime use of the residence for you and/or another person

    • Income tax savings through charitable deduction

    • Estate tax savings for you and/or another person (if the other person is your spouse)

    • Ability to gift only partial interest in property and receive tax advantages


Contact us today to see if this option is for you.


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Retained Real Estate
A charitable contribution of real estate can give you numerous advantages as well as creating an enduring testimonial to your commitment to LLBN's mission


Have you been searching for a way to help boost the work of LLBN? In 2015, Congress voted to make permanent the exclusion from income of up to $100,000.00 per person, per year, for IRA (Individual Retirement Account) distributions given directly to charity. Individuals age 70½ or older can now make contributions directly from their IRA to the charity of their choice in 2016 and subsequent years.


This means that if you are 70½ or older, now you can both reduce the income taxes generated from your required minimum IRA distribution and make a big impact on the ministry outreach of LLBN.



  • Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to LLBN

  • Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year without increasing your taxable income.

  • Make a big impact in helping LLBN to continue to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world!


What do I do to get started?

  • Contact your IRA plan administrator and inform them that you would like to make a gift from your IRA to the ministry of LLBN.

  • Your specified gift amount will be transferred directly to LLBN and make a big impact on our work of broadcasting programs that lift up Christ to a world in need!

  • Please note: Although gifting your required minimum distribution may reduce your taxable income, gifts made directly from your IRA are not tax deductible.

  • You may contact LLBN to specify which area of the LLBN ministry you wish to support. For example: LLBN English, LLBN Arabic, LLBN Chinese, LLBN Korean, LLBN Latino, LLBN South Asia, or Smart Lifestyle TV channels. Or you can specify that it go to our building project or another project. Just let us know and we will use your gift for that purpose.


Contact us today to see if this option is for you.            Return to list

A Romanian Christian TV channel broadcasting spiritual content and programs for the Christian community
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