Channel: His Word
Hosts: Pastor Miguel Mendez
Rediscover takes a fresh look at Scripture and parable from the perspective of one’s stage in life.
Says host Pr. Miguel Mendez, “The way you understand the Bible in your 20’s is not necessarily how you’d comprehend it in your 40’s, 60’s or 80s. Life-changing events and the wisdom of age can intensify the depth of meaning one finds in Bible study. This program attempts to illustrate these changes while introducing new discoveries concealed in plain-sight in familiar scripture.”
Join Pr. Mendez as he “Rediscovers” much deeper significance underlying well-known scripture.
Channel: His Word
Hosts: Kristyn Dolinsky and guests
Airing Times: 5:30 am Monday, 5:30 am & 9:30 pm Wednesday, 1:30 pm Friday, 10 pm Saturday Pacific Time
iTestify is part testimony and part Bible study, testifying of how Christ is working in someone’s life. It includes testimonies from lay people, not just those professionally involved in ministry. It is to educate and encourage viewers of Christ’s Great Commission, first to abide in us and then to work through us.
Channel: His Word
Hosts: Rich DuBose and Greg Evans
Airing Times: TBD
inSpire is a 30 minute program that features people who are passionate about using the creative arts to tell God's story and bring good to life. Through short interviews, original music, art, photography and more you'll be inspired and blessed. Join cohosts Rich DuBose and Greg Evans (both songwriters in their own right) as they introduce an interesting line-up of artists and musicians.
"A New Day with Dr. Tammy"
Channel: Smart LifeStyle TV
Host: Dr. Tammy Bradshaw-Scott
Airing Times: 4:30 am Sunday, 2:30 am & 3 pm Monday, 6 am & 6 pm Tuesday, 9 am & 9 pm Wednesday, 12 pm Thursday, 2:30 am & 3pm Friday, 6 am & 5:30 pm Saturday Pacific Time
"A New Day” with Dr. Tammy is a half-hour program featuring themed episodes that explore a wide range of specific relevant topics including marital relations, family dynamics, grieving, coping with disabilities, overcoming fears and more timely issues. The themes of "A New Day", Dr. Tammy's warm and engaging approach, and the practical solutions offered to address commonly encountered problems all combine with a modern sensibility to create a unique television experience. Read more here.
"The Flood Geology"
Channel: His Light
Airing Times: 12:30 am & 9:30 am & 6:30 pm Sunday-Friday, 4 am & 6:30 pm Saturday Pacific Time
This series takes leading scientists in the field of geology, chemistry, and meteorology and explores evidence for the global Flood around the world. Instead of speaking in a lecture hall or church, these scientists venture out to the geological locations to show the viewer firsthand the evidence for how the Flood impacted the earth in a catastrophic manner. Scientists include Dr. Steve Austin and Michael J. Oard.
"Awesome Science"
Channel: His Light
Airing Times: 8 am & 5 pm Sunday-Friday, 2:30 pm & 5pm Saturday Pacific Time
The "Awesome Science" series takes teens and adults on a field trip around the world to explore geologic and historical evidence which supports the Biblical record. This series is hosted by teenager, Noah Justice.
"The Heavens Declare"
Channel: HIs Word
Airing Times: 10:30 am Sunday, 1:30 pm Monday, 2:30 am Tuesday, 6:30 pm Thursday, 9:30 pm Friday Pacific Time
In this series, leading creation science astronomers, physicists, and cosmologists are interviewed to share evidence for a young universe as described in the Bible. They will address many of the supposed "evidences" for a universe that is billions of years old and why this theory is simply not valid. Experts include Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Don DeYoung, Dr. Russ Humphreys, and Spike Psarris.
"Dino Hunter"
Channel: His Word
Airing Times: 8 am & 4 pm Monday-Friday, 12 am Tuesday-Friday, 5:30 am Saturday Pacific Time
"Dino Hunter" is hosted by Emmy award winning host, Jeremy McLaughlin. This new series explores the mysteries of dinosaurs, how they fit into Biblical record, how the Flood greatly impacted their future, evidence of dinosaurs after the Flood, as well as presenting evidence to confront claims by secular paleontologists that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Jeremy will travel the world to explore dinosaur sites and interview the experts in paleontology who hold to a Biblical worldview.
"Creeping Things"
Channel: His Word
Airing Times: 8 am & 4 pm Monday-Friday, 12 am Tuesday-Friday, 5:30 am Saturday Pacific Time
"Creeping Things" is a series hosted by reptile expert and herpetologist, Nathan Hutcherson. Nathan and his two kids explore across the world, hunting down every animal that creeps on the ground, showing off God's incredible creation. Animals include snakes, reptiles, scorpions, and other amazing creatures.
"Debunking Evolution"
Channel: His Light
Airing Times: 7:30 am & 4:30 pm Monday-Friday, 2 pm & 4:30 pm Saturday Pacific Time
Join study partners, John and Jane as they explore the challenges to the evolutionary theory found in their textbooks and why the Bible makes the most sense of the scientific evidence.
"The Creation Guys"
Channel: His Light
Airing Times: 7:30 am & 4:30 pm Monday-Friday, 2 pm & 4:30 pm Saturday Pacific Time
"The Creation Guys" is an entertaining and informative series hosted by Kyle Justice and Pat Roy. Along with their families, they visit with experts and adventure across the globe to showcase God's creation.
"Lineage Journey"
Channel: His Word
Airing Times: 9:30pm Sunday, 3:30am Monday, 1:30pm Tuesday, 7:30pm Wednesday, 5:30am Thursday, 11:30am Friday, 4pm Saturday Pacific Time
Lineage is a multi-faceted educational tool designed to help you understand your spiritual heritage and explore the links between the past, present, and future. History shapes identity; identity defines mission and a clear mission determines the trajectory of your life. Sit back and enjoy the journey; revolution is a mouse click away.
"Hot Health"
Channel: Smart LifeStyle TV
Airing Times: 6am & 6:30pm Sunday, 4am & 4:30pm Monday, 7:30am & 7:30pm Tuesday, 10:30am & 10:30pm Wednesday, 1:30pm Thursday, 4am & 4:30pm Friday, 7:30am & 7pm Saturday Pacific Time
Hot Health is a program that focuses on what it means to live a nutritious lifestyle holistically. Topics covered include mental health, nutrition, and exercise to name a few. Hot Health was produced in conjunction with the General Conference health department. Tune in to this amazing program for hot health tips from doctors and nutrition experts from around the world.