Latest News
Bob Blancato
Public Affairs Officer
Loma Linda Broadcasting Network
Office: 909-651-5542
Mobile: 909-488-6672
E-Mail: Bob@llbn.tv
Post: P.O. Box 550, Loma Linda, CA (USA) 92354
Web: www.llbn.tv
Press Release
LLBN Breaks Ground for New Addition
Work begins on ‘Great Commission Broadcast Complex’
to better support quality Christian television production.
The Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) broke ground February 21st for its new ‘Great Commission Broadcast Complex’ designed to facilitate production of more high-quality Christian television programming for the network’s eight multilingual channels and multiple digital platforms.
Construction consists of a 9,224 square-foot service center to be added to LLBN’s current 3,200 square-foot television studio for a combined structure of 12,424 square-feet. A one-hour groundbreaking ceremony, attended by more than 250 prominent guests, was carried live on all LLBN networks.
The new addition will contain LLBN’s production, programming, transmission and Internet/computer support to provide enriched functionality to its website, social media pages, phone apps and television broadcasts. The expanded space will also house the latest digital technologies to record more and higher technical quality Christian programs that spread God’s Word among nations.
Say Ganim Hanna, President and CEO of LLBN, “This construction represents more than a basic brick and mortar investment. Rather, it’s a spiritual venture to help us more powerfully proclaim God’s mercy and hope to a dejected world eagerly searching for both.”
Artist’s rendering of the completed ‘LLBN Great Commission Broadcast Complex’ with current studio building (foreground) and new 9,224 sq. ft. service center addition behind.
Bob Blancato
Public Affairs Officer
Loma Linda Broadcasting Network
Office: 909-651-5542
Mobile: 909-488-6672
E-Mail: Bob@llbn.tv
Post: P.O. Box 550, Loma Linda, CA (USA) 92354
Web: www.llbn.tv
Press Release
LLBN Web Articles Explore Faith
Weekly ‘Articles of Faith’ weblog conveys short, meaningful
narratives of people; life; history from a Biblical perspective.
Loma Linda, Calif. – January 24, 2020: ‘Articles of Faith’ is a weekly series of short, insightful, Bible-inspired commentaries exploring life’s many dimensions and shortcomings, often framed by history and ending in a convincing moral purpose or meaning. New articles appear every Monday on the Loma Linda Broadcasting Network’s (LLBN) website (llbn.tv)
Recent posts include the true story of 1950’s scientists observing the earliest atom bomb tests wearing sunscreen to protect their faces. Says the article, “Sunscreen? To protect against an atomic blast? Kind of a metaphor, perhaps, for all human attempts to atone for their own sins. To try and earn their salvation. To try and make themselves right with God.”
Another article asks why the secular world readily accepts unseen realities like radio/TV signals; words, images and movies sent invisibly through mobile phones; sub-atomic particles from outer space, yet questions the existence and necessity of faith which the Bible describes as “the evidence of things not seen”?
These thoughtful articles are carefully researched and warmly written by Clifford Goldstein, current editor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Adult Bible Study Guide. He is based at church world headquarters in Silver Spring, Md. Goldstein has also held various staff positions within the church since 1984 including editor of ‘Liberty Magazine’ and associate director of its North American Division’s public affairs and religious liberty departments.
His articles appear exclusively on LLBN’s website. A link is prominently displayed on the site’s lobby page for easy access. All past articles are archived along with the current installment. Each is purposefully kept at five-to-eight paragraphs for a ‘quick read’ yet written to provide deep insight into God and His Word. Scriptural references are cited in each article.
LLBN is a non-profit 501(c)3 religious ministry with all donations tax deductible. It is primarily supported by viewer contributions and receives no additional funding from any church, religious conference, grant or institution.
LLBN is in its 22nd year of producing and airing programs that change lives, explain Biblical scripture and share Jesus Christ’s grace, mercy and love worldwide through the highly influential medium of television. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations…” Matthew 24:14.
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About Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) – From studios in Loma Linda, Calif., USA, LLBN reaches every inhabited continent on eight separate channels via Glorystar Christian Satellite, Internet, IPTV services like Roku, and in selected locales, cable and traditional terrestrial TV. It is also live-streamed on mobile apps. Programs range from inspirational church services and musical concerts to thought-provoking Bible studies and documentaries. These are aired 24-hours daily in multiple languages on LLBN’s Christian channels: His Word; His Light (English); Arabic; Korean; Chinese; Latino and South Asia. An additional channel, Smart LifeStyle Television (SLS-TV) broadcasts health and wellness programming daily around the clock. Visit www.llbn.tv to livestream or download the LLBN app from the Google Play Store (Android devices) or App Store (Apple devices.)
Bob Blancato
Public Affairs Officer
Loma Linda Broadcasting Network
Office: 909-651-5542
Mobile: 909-488-6672
E-Mail: Bob@llbn.tv
Post: P.O. Box 550, Loma Linda, CA (USA) 92354
Web: www.llbn.tv
Press Release
LLBN Program Helps People Witness for Christ
‘Creating Disciples’ provides basic Bible knowledge to
prepare people for witnessing to others.
Loma Linda, Calif. – November 22, 2019: Ever wanted to informally talk about Jesus Christ to family, friends, neighbors or co-workers but felt ungrounded in basic Bible principles and beliefs? ‘Creating Disciples’, a new program from the Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN), will help overcome these concerns.
Hosted by youthful and energetic Pastor Austin Roberts, the program encourages viewers to share the gospel more regularly by providing the fundamental tools to do so. It delves into key Bible principles and parables in each 30-minute program explaining different scriptural text in an easy-to-understand way.
Program content covers key Old and New Testament teachings from Genesis to Revelation. Each explores a passage at its face value, then dives deeper into its background and context so viewers see how it applied in Biblical times, and how it relates today.
‘Creating Disciples’ airs each Sunday at 2:30 PM Pacific with repeats on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the same week. Program times are available using the Interactive Program Guide on LLBN’s website: llbn.tv/schedule . Enter the program name and click ‘search’; the week’s broadcasts will be displayed. The program is also archived for playback anytime through the website’s Video-On-Demand service: llbn.tv/creating-disciples.
Pastor Roberts completed undergraduate religious studies at Walla Walla University, College Place, Wash., and received a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, Calif. He currently serves as Interim Ministry Coordinator at Loma Linda University Church, Calif.
LLBN is a non-profit 501(c)3 religious ministry with all donations tax deductible. It is primarily supported by viewer contributions and receives no additional funding from any church, religious conference, grant or institution.
LLBN is in its 22nd year of producing and airing programs that change lives, explain Biblical scripture and share Jesus Christ’s grace, mercy and love worldwide through the highly influential medium of television. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations…” Matthew 24:14.
# # #
About Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) – From studios in Loma Linda, Calif., USA, LLBN reaches every inhabited continent on eight separate channels via Glorystar Christian Satellite, Internet, IPTV services like Roku, and in selected locales, cable and traditional terrestrial TV. It is also live-streamed on mobile apps. Programs range from inspirational church services and musical concerts to thought-provoking Bible studies and documentaries. These are aired 24-hours daily in multiple languages on LLBN’s Christian channels: His Word; His Light (English); Arabic; Korean; Chinese; Latino and South Asia. An additional channel, Smart LifeStyle Television (SLS-TV) broadcasts health and wellness programming daily around the clock. Visit www.llbn.tv to livestream or download the LLBN app from the Google Play Store (Android devices) or App Store (Apple devices.)
Bob Blancato
Public Affairs Officer
Loma Linda Broadcasting Network
Office: 909-651-5542
Mobile: 909-488-6672
E-Mail: Bob@llbn.tv
Post: P.O. Box 550, Loma Linda, CA (USA) 92354
Web: www.llbn.tv
Press Release
Rediscover Series Explores Perceptions of Faith
Age and life experience influences Biblical
understanding. A new LLBN program examines how.
Loma Linda, Calif. – November 8, 2019: Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) is now airing a half-hour TV series on The Bible and how perceptions of its teachings progress over time as people age and acquire more life experience.
Called ‘Rediscover’, it’s hosted by Pastor Miguel Mendez who takes a fresh look at scripture and parable from often diverse viewpoints. “The way you understand the Bible in your 20’s is not necessarily how you’d comprehend it in your 40’s, 60’s or 80s,” he says. “Life-changing events and the wisdom of age can intensify the depth of meaning one finds in Bible study. My program attempts to illustrate these changes,” adds Pastor Miguel, “while introducing new discoveries concealed in plain sight in familiar scripture.”
‘Rediscover’ airs each Sunday at 9:30 AM Pacific with repeats on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of the same week. Program times are available using the Interactive Program Guide on LLBN’s website: llbn.tv/schedule. Enter the program name and click ‘search’; the week’s broadcasts will be displayed. The program is also archived for playback anytime through the website’s Video-On-Demand service: llbn.tv/rediscover
Pastor Mendez is Study Pastor at Loma Linda University Church, California, and regularly conducts Sabbath Service there.
LLBN is a non-profit 501(c)3 religious ministry with all donations tax deductible. It is primarily supported by viewer contributions and receives no additional funding from any church, religious conference, grant or institution.
LLBN is in its 22nd year of producing and airing programs that change lives, explain Biblical scripture and share Jesus Christ’s grace, mercy and love worldwide through the highly influential medium of television. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations…” Matthew 24:14.
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About Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) – From studios in Loma Linda, Calif., USA, LLBN reaches every inhabited continent on eight separate channels via Glorystar Christian Satellite, Internet, IPTV services like Roku, and in selected locales, cable and traditional terrestrial TV. It is also live-streamed on mobile apps. Programs range from inspirational church services and musical concerts to thought-provoking Bible studies and documentaries. These are aired 24-hours daily in multiple languages on LLBN’s Christian channels: His Word; His Light (English); Arabic; Korean; Chinese; Latino and South Asia. An additional channel, Smart LifeStyle Television (SLS-TV) broadcasts health and wellness programming daily around the clock. Visit www.llbn.tv to livestream or download the LLBN app from the Google Play Store (Android devices) or App Store (Apple devices.)
Bob Blancato
Public Affairs Officer
Loma Linda Broadcasting Network
Office: 909-651-5542
Mobile: 909-488-6672
E-Mail: Bob@llbn.tv
Post: P.O. Box 550, Loma Linda, CA (USA) 92354
Web: www.llbn.tv
Press Release
LLBN-TV Series Examines Prophecy
‘The Divine Apocalypse of Prophecy’, a four-night exploration of
Biblical insight, explains its importance and purpose.
Loma Linda, Calif. – October 25, 2019: What is the purpose of prophecy in the Bible? Is it simply to predict the future, or does prophecy serve other objectives as well? How is prophecy interpreted and how do you spot false or misleading prophets?
These and other questions are addressed in a special, four consecutive night series on the Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) ‘His Word’ channel starting Monday, November 4, 2019, at 6:00 PM PST. The series, broadcast live, is presented by John Anderson, Senior Pastor, Mentone (Calif.) Seventh-day Adventist Church, and hosted by LLBN’s Ganim Hanna and Marlon Paley.
Pastor Anderson first explains that the word ‘apocalypse’ in prophetic context means the revelation of truth in contrast to the more familiar reference to end-time disasters and calamities. He also discusses why Biblical prophecy is needed, how it is given and by whom, and exactly how prophecy is defined. He explores ways to determine if a person claiming to be a prophet is indeed speaking Bible truth or deception.
The full prophecy series will be repeated throughout November and archived at LLBN’s website (llbn.tv) for convenient playback on Video-On-Demand (VOD).
LLBN is a non-profit ministry with all donations tax deductible under 501(c)3 regulations. It is primarily supported by viewer contributions and receives no additional funding from any church, religious conference, grant or institution.
LLBN is in its 22nd year of producing and airing programs that change lives, explain Biblical scripture and share Jesus Christ’s grace, mercy and love worldwide through the highly influential medium of television. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations…” Matthew 24:14.
# # #
About Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) – From studios in Loma Linda, Calif., USA, LLBN reaches every inhabited continent on eight separate channels via Glorystar Christian Satellite, Internet, IPTV services like Roku, and in selected locales, cable and traditional terrestrial TV. It is also live-streamed on mobile apps. Programs range from inspirational church services and musical concerts to thought-provoking Bible studies and documentaries. These are aired 24-hours daily in multiple languages on LLBN’s Christian channels: His Word; His Light (English); Arabic; Korean; Chinese; Latino and South Asia. An additional channel, Smart LifeStyle Television (SLS-TV) broadcasts health and wellness programming daily around the clock. Visit www.llbn.tv to livestream or download the LLBN app from the Google Play Store (Android devices) or App Store (Apple devices.)
Bob Blancato
Public Affairs Officer
Loma Linda Broadcasting Network
Office: 909-651-5542
Mobile: 909-488-6672
E-Mail: Bob@llbn.tv
Post: P.O. Box 550, Loma Linda, CA 92354
Web: www.llbn.tv
Press Release
LLBN Special Explores Faith vs. Works
‘Grace or Grit’, a four-night live presentation on Loma Linda
Broadcasting Network, delves into this pondering issue.
Loma Linda, Calif. – October 17, 2019 – “It is by grace that you are saved through your faith. It is the gift of God – not works – so that no one can boast,” said Pastor Dan Smith referencing Ephesians 2: 8, 9 during LLBN’s recent ‘Grace or Grit’ television special exploring common misconceptions among many Christians about faith versus works.
Through scripture, parable and discussion with co-host Ganim Hanna, LLBN President and CEO, Pr. Smith dispelled the notion of many believers that God accepts or rejects people based on some level or goodness or religious performance. “The Bible discards this idea”, Pr. Smith said, referencing the importance of grace given by God. Those who accept it do so by faith, and that is the source of salvation; not works that may lead to boasting or spiritual insincerity in the form of, “see how godly I am through all the good that I do.”
Many aspects of faith and works were explored in-depth during the four night presentation, each segment running one hour. A distinct topic was featured in each program titled (in order): “The Man who went Naked to the Wedding”; “The Peterbilt truck and the VW”; “The Grasshopper Complex”, and; “The Battle is The Lords’.”
The full series is archived at LLBN’s website (llbn.tv) for convenient playback on Video-On-Demand (VOD). Scroll to the middle of the landing page and click on the ‘Grace or Grit’ image under VOD Specials. Each program provides special insight to those struggling with the complexities of faith and works, and which one takes precedent.
Dan Smith is the former senior pastor of Garden Grove SDA Church in Calif. He has also served as a specialist for creative evangelism at the Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Riverside. He is active in mission projects, evangelism and philanthropy around the world.
LLBN is a non-profit, viewer-funded ministry with all donations tax deductible under 501(c)3 regulations. Many LLBN studio operations and daily working support are handled by volunteers of all ages and walks of life who provide their time and services for free.
LLBN is in its 22nd year of sharing Jesus Christ’s grace, mercy and love as depicted in the Bible through the influential medium of television. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations…” Matthew 24:14.
# # #
About Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN) – From studios in Loma Linda, Calif., USA, LLBN reaches every inhabited continent via satellite, Internet, IPTV, cable, mobile devices and traditional terrestrial TV. Programs range from inspirational church services and musical concerts to thought-provoking Bible studies and documentaries. These are aired 24-hours daily in multiple languages on seven LLBN channels: His Word; His Light (English); Arabic; Korean; Chinese; Latino and South Asia. An eighth channel, Smart LifeStyle Television (SLS) broadcasts health and wellness programming daily around the clock. LLBN is a non-profit, 501(c)3 viewer supported TV ministry. Visit www.llbn.tv or download the LLBN app from the Google Play Store (Android devices) or App Store (Apple devices.)


Ganim Hanna, president and CEO of the Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, talks about what LLBN is doing to keep up with the latest technology and make sure its eight channels of Christian programming reach people everywhere.
By Alita Byrd, Interviews Editor, SPECTRUM Magazine
LLBN, or the Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, introduced new live video streaming in the previous few months, and released apps for Apple and Android, so that people can watch LLBN on their phones anywhere in the world. What response have you gotten so far? How many people have downloaded the apps? Has your viewership grown?
Hanna: “We’ve been delighted with the response. As of this date, we’ve had 2,300 app downloads total in both Apple and Android formats since their introduction in October, 2018. More downloads occur each day.
Furthermore, we’ve since learned from numerous viewers that they share their mobile viewing experience with others, whether it’s witnessing, study or playing music among family or friends. Mobile phones are everywhere and apps are highly reliable, easy to work and therefore a daily part of people’s lives. So this particular distribution venue is extremely beneficial in spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the world.
We also live-stream all eight LLBN networks on YouTube as well as our website. According to YouTube, there are more than 1.9 billion logged-in users each month, many of whom view the service every day. Since launching live-streaming on YouTube a year ago, LLBN has totaled 8.9 million views. Currently, more than 70 percent of all YouTube watchtime now comes from mobile devices, so it’s vital that LLBN be available via mobile apps.”
LLBN has eight channels in multiple languages, with shows that range from Bible studies to cooking to parenting and relationship advice to sermons and talk shows. Where does all of this content come from?
Hanna: “Some are produced in-house; some by affiliate churches such as live Sabbath service, vespers or similar broadcasts; others from private producers making Christian-themed shows for LLBN, and; some are paid programs.”
Besides the new streaming options, how do people access LLBN programing?
Hanna: “In North and Central America, the Caribbean and part of South America, there’s direct-to-home satellite, various cable TV companies and low power TV stations. LLBN is also available on Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) operator Roku and on our website, llbn.tv. Finally, we’re further expanding viewing options by making LLBN available on AmazonFire and Apple TV platforms by mid-year. ”
Who is watching the different LLBN channels? What do your viewer statistics tell you? How far is your reach?
Hanna: “LLBN via home satellite, Internet protocol TV such as Roku and traditional terrestrial broadcasting is available in 147 nations. Households reached are around 50 million. Since most households have more than one TV viewer, we believe viewership numbers are significantly higher than the estimated number of households.
This does not include the rapidly emerging venues of social media like YouTube and mobile phone apps which can equate to millions of additional viewers. These new platforms just launched within the past year, so we’re still getting insight on who’s watching LLBN there.
Then, there’s the knowledge gained by reading the cards and letters we’ve regularly received over the years. Many are from Seventh-day Adventists worldwide and a surprising, recurring theme is from those who, for a variety of reasons, cannot attend regular Sabbath church service. LLBN is their only link to church and fellowship with like-minded believers. I’m humbled that these viewers depend so heavily on us.
With our mixture of languages and cultures, and receipt of many letters from non-Adventists who regularly watch our channels around the world, we know LLBN also reaches a large number of multiple Christian and non-Christian denominations.”
What are LLBN's most popular shows?
Hanna: “As I mentioned, weekly Sabbath programming from sundown to sundown is our most heavily viewed time due to the many live Sabbath church services and related programs aired, such as ‘Christian Connections’, ‘Excavating the Bible’, ‘Flame of Truth’ among others.”
Music programs are heavily watched outside of Sabbath, in particular, the daily ‘Heritage Singers’ classics and ‘Gathering Place’. Other shows drawing good audiences during the week are Bible study series ‘Searching for Answers’ and ‘God’s Prophetic Surprises’, or GPS.”
How many people work for LLBN?
Hanna: “Two full-time; five part-time; one contract professional; six per diems, and; more than 100 volunteers.”
You started LLBN in 1998. What prompted you to start a TV network?
Hanna: “There were many factors. First, go back to the 1960s when President Kennedy’s FCC Chairman Newton Minnow gave a speech where he called American television a ‘vast wasteland’. He said, ‘When television is good, nothing is better. When television is bad, nothing is worse.’
I’ve always remembered that statement. It later led me to start LLBN to address, in part, the dearth of respectable family programming and wasteland of negative images that ruled commercial broadcasting and cable TV well into the 1990s.
So along with some like-minded Seventh-day Adventists, such as engineers Gary Schiller and Marlon Paley, we together launched a non-commercial, viewer-supported Christian TV service emphasizing Bible-based values, faith, and healthy living in stark contrast to the video wilderness that had only worsened since Minnow’s day.
Actual planning for LLBN began in 1994, and short test broadcasts began a few years later, but we credit 1998 as the year we actually began regular daily service on a local cable TV channel. Also, being in Loma Linda was a major benefit due to its huge concentration of committed, mission-driven SDAs. They helped get LLBN off the ground.
Finally, I must credit some key heroes who supported our mission early-on as an independent ministry: Dr. Bill Loveless, former Sr. Pastor of Loma Linda University Church and Thomas Zirkle, MD, former Senior V.P. at Loma Linda University Health. There are other notables such as businesswoman Carolyn Thompson; Norm Meyer; Cheri Kirk; Dr. Roland Zimmerman; Dr. Arthur Morgan; Dr. Bernard Taylor, and; Dr. Lyn Mallory. Also important were engineers Gary Schiller and Marlon Paley who were with me from the beginning and still with LLBN today. They remain highly committed and faithful to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
What experience in television and broadcasting did you have? What is your background?
Hanna: “I studied business administration and electronic engineering which providentially prepared me for my journey with LLBN. I also learned through hands-on experience (a great teacher), many wonderful mentors, and credit our Lord for wisely guiding me during many difficult decisions.”
What plans do you have for LLBN in the future?
Hanna: “There are three primary objectives: first, maintain and expand the worldwide distribution infrastructure; second, stay at the forefront of new technology to keep LLBN up-to-date, and third; produce more Christian programs relevant to the challenges facing our faith, hope and survival in an ever-failing world.”
Do you get significant support from Loma Linda University and the health system to run the network? Where does the funding come from?
Hanna: “We’ve always been blessed with common friendship, collaborative and spiritual goals with Loma Linda University.
LLBN, as an independent, 501 (c)3 non-profit organization, receives nearly all its funding from faithful viewers worldwide who support our ministry to meet our mission and goals.”
Who are LLBN's main competitors? How is LLBN different than other Adventist Church broadcasting?
Hanna: “We differentiate ourselves as being primarily educational in nature with an emphasis on increasing Biblical knowledge. This is supported by many programs that emphasize Bible teachings. Knowing Jesus Christ is central to our mission of introducing as many people to His Kingdom as possible.
As for other Adventist, Christian and private ministry channels, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We all work for the same Master.”
What have you learned in 21 years of running LLBN?
Hanna: “Patience, for God does things in His own time. Also, how to recognize a divine appointment, seize and act on it.
So many times, we’ve been faced with choosing between two diverse paths; diametrically opposed directions. But by asking, “What best serves spreading the Lord’s message”, we have always made the right decision.
This includes taking major leaps of faith when funds or related components impacting a decision were not fully secured. Our belief that God will help us at the right moment to complete the task has never been misled.
We are planning construction of a new studio and office complex to consolidate multiple LLBN operations now scattered in rented buildings across the area. Commercial leasing has become financially unviable here. We genuinely need this updated facility to improve both our productivity and finances, and we’re confident God will guide us in making the best decisions as we soon break ground. He made Himself known through nearly two decades of LLBN’s continued success.
Photo: Architect’s drawing of planned expansion of LLBN studios and office facilities.
Finally, LLBN is truly blessed by not being dependent on ratings, selling commercials or retaining highly-paid performers to survive. We are all Christ’s servants, and by putting Him first, we avoid the pitfalls of vanity, self-importance and over-indulgence so prevalent in the secular media and elsewhere.
Romans 12:2 says it best; ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.’”
Photos courtesy of LLBN.
Reprinted from Spectrum Magazine – February 26, 2019.